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05.12.2013 | Hamburg | Germany

Study-Tour to submitted World Heritage Site

On December 5th 2013, some of the project partners joined a guided tour through the historic office and warehouse districts “Kontorhausviertel” and “Speicherstadt”. Unfortunately, storm wind “Xaver” already started, so some of the partners had to leave Hamburg earlier and the staying participants were affected by the cold wind.

Nevertheless, Ms. Dr. Christine Onnen of the Hamburg Department for Heritage Preservation explained the history and the different areas of the submitted World Heritage Site. Special interest was in the refurbishment of the famous “Chilehaus” and the “Kaispeicher B” (“Warehouse B”), now being the Hamburg Maritime Museum. Fortunately, it was possible to visit the entrance hall of the “Chilehaus” as well as the interior of the “Kaispeicher B” with its special solution for overhead heating and box-type windows.

The second part of the tour was dedicated to the interaction between the historic warehouse district and the new built Hafencity area, one of Europe’s biggest development areas, with the already famous “Elbphilharmonie” concert hall, being under construction



(source: Jan Gerbitz, ZEBAU GmbH)