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12.-13.06.2013 | Tallinn | Estonia

Ventilation and energy efficiency in historically valuable houses

The Co2olBricks project partners SRIK from Tallinn in Estonia and KIINKO from Helsinki in Finland are preparing teaching material for Co2olBricks about ventilation and energy efficiency in historically valuable houses. Within this process a group of ventilation and energy efficiency experts were invited and came together for a two-day working session 12. – 13. June 2013 in Tallinn. On the first day two recent energy efficiency projects in Estonia were presented and three presentations about aspects to be considered when planning ventilation within energy efficiency measures in a historic building. Afterwards these aspects were discussed, first in the lecture room and also on site of one of the objects in Tallinn.

On the second day the second object, the Vilsandi Energy House example, was visited which is situated on the remote island of Vilsandi. The unique point about this heritage building is that several different energy efficiency measures are combined in the house and it is generally speaking year round accessible for the public and hence serves as a best practice example.

The implemented measures are new interior double glazed windows and restored outer original windows , internal insulation, improved airtightness of the building with 7cm layer of clay, wall heating system, solar thermal collector, wind generator, wood fired heating support, ventilation system with heat recovery, ground coupled heat pump and rain water collector. The building achieved in its first year of operation a measured (!) energy consumption of 30 kwh/m2/a . The project was presented by the owner and project manager Monika Salu.

The working session was attended by Estonian, Finnish and German energy efficiency and heritage experts and facilitated excellent transnational knowledge exchange, exactly what Interreg is aiming at.

Under the weblink more information about the project can be found.