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20.-23.02.2012 |Veliky Novgorod | Russia

New Impressions and good Experiences from Russia - Project Partner Meeting and International Seminar in Veliky Novgorod

From 20. – 23. February 2012 the project partners of Co2olBricks convened for their fifth partner meeting and international seminar in Veliky Novgorod in Russia, ca. 200 km south east of St. Petersburg. From the project 31 persons participated during the first day and 51 additional participants came to the international seminar.
Due to the three hour time difference between middle European time and Russian time the journey takes quite long so the first day was only for travelling.
During the second day a workshop was held to discuss the results and conclusions by answering the questions

  • To what extent are the results complementary to each other?
  • To what extent are the results contradictory to each other?
  • How are they interconnected with each other?
  • What would be suitable measures to improve the situation?


On the third day an international seminar on energy efficiency and monument protection was held. The seminar was opened by the welcoming words of the Mayor of Veliky Novgorod Yury Bobryshev followed by a brief overview over the Co2olBricks project.

Then the three main working groups Policy Development, Technical Innovations and Education and Economic Promotion gave an insight into their proceedings and interim results.
The main part contained the five presentations by experts:

  • Ms Marina Belova, chairwoman of the Housing Management Committee of the Veliky Novgorod City Administration spoke about the “Use of modern technology in the reconstruction and repair of brick dwelling houses”.
  • Werner Kaul, researcher at the Hamburg University of Technology gave an insight into the Masonry Facades and Energetic Refurbishment of Brick Walls.
  • Then Oleg Arkadiev, climatologist at the Veliky Novgorod United Museum and Reserve and Tatiana Romashkevich, restorer from Veliky Novgorod, made the audience familiar with the “Effect of the environment and natural landscape changes on the state of monuments and monumental paintings in Veliky Novgorod”.
  • Afterwards Larisa Bannikova, Deputy Director General for the Restoration and Repair at the Veliky Novgorod Untied Museum and Reserve, rounded up the lectures by showing us the ”Main factors of Destruction of Architectural Monuments on the Territory of Veliky Novgorod”.

After the conference lunch the speakers took the Co2olBricks partners onto an excursion first to the Kremlin of Veliky Novgorod and afterwards to a restoration workshop. At the Kremlin the participants walked through a building and saw how the refurbishment was done.  In the restoration workshop the fresques of a church that was destroyed during the second world war are put back together, it is a puzzle of all in all 1,7 million pieces.

The following day the  Co2olBricks partners travelled back, full of new impressions and good experiences from Russia, and having made new friends with the heritage preservators and conservators of Veliky Novgorod.


Use of modern technology in the reconstruction and repair of brick dwelling houses - Marina Belova - PDF, 0.5 MB

Effect of the environment and natural landscape changes on the state of monuments and monumental paintings in Veliky Novgorod - Oleg Arkadiev - PDF, 1.3 MB

Effect of the environment and natural landscape changes on the state of monuments and monumental paintings in Veliky Novgorod - Tatjana Romashkevich - PDF, 7.9 MB

Main factors of Destruction of Architectural Monuments on the Territory of Veliky Novgorod - Larisa Bannikova - PDF, 6.6 MB

Masonry Facades and Energetic Redevelopment - Facing the challenge - Werner Kaul - PDF, 8.6 MB

WP 3 - Policy Development - PDF, 2.1 MB

WP 4 - Technical Innovations - PDF, 3.2 MB

WP 5 - Education - PDF, 0.9 MB


(source: Department of Heritage Preservation Hamburg)